Blake Skelton currently serves as the Principal of Perry County High School, as well as a County Commissioner for District 1. Blake has dedicated himself and his time to the success of Perry County and more specifically the county’s youth.
He served as a classroom teacher at PCHS for 12 years, as well as a football coach for 7 years before becoming Principal in 2022.
As Principal, he has created a vision for student success both now and in their future. He was first elected to the County Commission in 2014 where he has since proudly served the citizens of District 1 and the county as a whole. Blake also enjoyed the opportunity to serve the community as the co-owner of Village Pizza in Linden from 2017-2022. Before becoming an educator at PCHS, Blake graduated from Freed-Hardeman University with degrees in Secondary Education, History, and Political Science. He also received his master’s degree in administration from Bethel University. Blake and wife Victoria Skelton are both members of the Linden Church of Christ.